New Feature: Coupon Codes

Drive more business at your golf course by offering special discounts

Golf courses using Easy Tee Golf to manage their tee sheets can now offer discounts to their customers using coupon codes. This will help golf courses with marketing by driving new golfers to their course.

Golf courses often have slower seasons during the early spring and late fall, when the weather is colder. Now, courses using our intuitive tee sheet software can drive increased traffic at their golf course by sharing coupon codes on their social media pages or through email marketing campaigns.

Golf courses can offer coupon codes with percentage discounts (e.g. 10% off any round) or fixed price discounts (e.g. $5 any booking before the end of the month). They can also use coupon codes when they need to issue a free round to a customer due to weather.

Coupon code functionality is available for no additional charge to all Easy Tee Golf courses starting immediately as one more feature we’ve developed to better meet your golf course management needs!

If you’re not using Easy Tee yet at your golf course, send us a note at to find out how you can try Easy Tee Golf free for 30 days.


features announcements coupons

Posted on March 16, 2022